2024-2025 Board and Chairs Election

The ALA Long Island Chapter is conducting it’s annual elections for Officers and Committee Chairs.

The five officers that make up the Board of Directors are Immediate Past President, President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Treasurer and Secretary. Each committee can have one Chair or two Co-Chairs. Each position is for a one-year term, from August through July.

Note: According to our By-Laws, the positions of Immediate Past President and President are filled by automatic succession of the current President and Vice-President/President-Elect. In addition, as an exception, the current Treasurer is running for a 3rd term

We are pleased to announce that this year, all positions are running unopposed. We must still go through the election process and must have a quorum so please complete the election ballot and submit.

Please complete the form below to submit your election ballot.






    The Vice-President/President-Elect assists the President in all affairs, and substitutes for the President as necessary. The Vice-President is a member of each of the committees listed below and will support and counsel the Chair of those committees in all ways required. They will be instrumental in the planning of the annual calendar and will assist in overseeing the planning of most events. The Vice-President/President-Elect succeeds to the office of President upon expiration of the current term, or if the President is unable to finish the current term for any reason.


    The Treasurer handles all funds of the Chapter. This would include membership dues, Business Partner payments, and any payments for events, as well as any expense checks that need to be remitted. The Treasurer tracks which members/BP’s have paid and which are outstanding; will reconcile the account of the Chapter monthly; and provide financial reports at each Board meeting. The Treasurer is involved in the planning of some of the year’s events and seminars.


    The Secretary maintains the Chapter’s membership roster, prepares/emails invitations for meetings and events, and is involved in the planning of the year’s events and seminars. They would also prepare name tags and a sign-in sheet for each event. The Secretary records minutes of each Board meeting. The Secretary works closely with the Business Partner Liaison in creating the calendar of events for the Business Partners and making certain we fulfill our responsibility to them.


    The Business Partner Liaison works closely with our Business Partners (BPs) during the course of the year, beginning with renewal of existing BPs and recruitment of new BPs, and working throughout the year to create a calendar of events that will give them the most opportunities for interaction with our members. The Business Partner Liaison is responsible for sending out renewal notices to the current BPs, as well as invitations for the events to which they are invited. The Business Partner Liaison is also the first line of communication for potential BPs who might be interested in joining the Chapter as a BP.


    Throughout the membership the year, there are regularly scheduled education seminars--generally four or five--for our members, and occasionally for our Business Partners as well. It is the Education Chair’s responsibility to work with the Board to schedule these seminars, propose relevant speakers and topics, and follow up each seminar with Evaluation Forms.


    Each year, our Chapter participates in a charitable project. In the past these have included packing toiletries for homeless veterans, walk-a-thons to benefit low-income Long Island seniors and Breast Cancer Awareness, planting flowers, and sponsoring a meal at a local community church, among others. The Community Connection Chair would research local charities and create a special event for our members that benefits an underserved group on Long Island. We usually do at least one such project each year.

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair

    The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair is responsible to coordinate one roundtable meeting to bring awareness to this topic either through engaging a speaker or through a general roundtable discussion among members.


    The Social Media Chair is responsible posting pictures, upcoming events and Chapter news on as many social media outlets as the Chapter has, presently, ALA Long Island website, LinkedIn and Facebook. The Chair will work closely with the Chapter’s webhoster and promote the Chapter in the best light with an eye towards recruiting new members and business partners.